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Curated and coordinated by Sharifah Emalia Al-Gadrie and Takani Clark

Moonah Arts Centre, Multicultural Hub, The Longhouse and Kickstart Arts, Mar 2022



Kindred is a collaborative arts project, which centres the practices of Aboriginal and culturally diverse artists and practitioners from across the island of lutruwita.


Kindred consisted of fluid and intertwining parts, which act to explore and critique the effectiveness of initiatives like Harmony Week in creating community connection and celebrating cultural diversity in contemporary Australia:

  • An exhibition of new work from Tasmanian artists from the Aboriginal and CALD communities created in response to prompts about harmony and multiculturalism,

  • an interactive, collaborative community artwork,

  • a public program of creative skill exchange workshops facilitated by local artists and creatives.


Kindred seeks to expand our collective knowledge; to recognise and value the differences that we each have while celebrating the thread that unifies us.



Exhibition artists:

Noah Johnson, Nicole O'Loughlin, Julia Drouhin, Allan Mansell, Jovitta (Ana) Nkoso, Xiyue (Cici) Zhang, Mostafa Faraji, Karin Chan, Corinna Howell, Priya Vunaki, Lillian Wheatley, Takani Clark, Sharifah Emalia Al-Gadrie, Takira Simon-Brown.


Performance artists:

Adonay (Marra dona) Tsegazeab, Ipshita Pratap, Emma Hamasaki, Risa Muramatsu Ray, Lisa Shui Fern, Kattleya.


Workshop program artists:

Adelphie He, Yumemi Hiraki, Joshua Santospirito, Nunami Sculthorpe-Green, Janice Ross, Maira Rodriguez, Pratik Vhatkar, Eri Mulloolly-Hill Konishi, Lemlem Atakilt Yigzaw, Elsa Grebremedhin


Supported by Arts Tasmania, Moonah Arts Centre, THRIVE women's grants, Nayri Niara, Multicultural Council of Tasmania and Kickstart Arts.

Ipshita Pratap + Cici Zhang.jpeg

I live and work on lutruwita, in nipaluna, muwinina country. I acknowledge the palawa peoples' deep connection to the land, sky and waters of this land as its continuing custodians and pay respects to their elders, past and present.

©2023 Sharifah Emalia Al-Gadrie

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